Common Name: Indian marshweed
Family: Plantaginaceae
Common Synonyms: none
USDA Hardiness Zone: 9a -11
Growth Habit: Submersed Aquatic
Origin: Old World Tropics
FISC Category: -
FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: No
Introduction Date: specimen vouchered in 1983
IFAS Assessment:
Perennial herbaceous aquatic, extremely variable depending on habitat from a terrestrial slender plant to 5 cm tall growing in mud to a highly branched aquatic with much branched stems to 1 m long. Aerial stem simple or branched to 14 cm, submerged stem to 1 m, much branched. Aerial leaves variable but usually whorled and dissected 4-12 mm long. Submersed leaves whorled up to 30 mm long. Flowers axillary from aerial leaves, solitary, stalked, mauve pink, 8-12 mm long
Ponds, lakes, ditches, marshes, swamps
Aquarium plant. So far vouchered only from Osceola and Pinellas Co. Likely to be reintroduced. Similar species, L. sessiliflora, on Federal Noxious Weed List so probably good to prevent establishment of this species as well. Aquarium plant.
No specific recommendations available, however <i>Limnophila sessilifolia</i> is treated successfully with 2-4,D chemical treatment. **Follow herbicide labels: Only herbicides registered for application in water by EPA and FDACS may be applied to weeds growing in or near water.
Dave's Garden. 2013. PlantFiles: Indian marshweed, Limnophila indica. Accessed on December 10, 2013.
Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. 2013. eFloras: Limnophila indica (L.) Druce. Accessed on December 11, 2013.