Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana

Common Name: flamegold

Family: Sapindaceae

Common Synonyms: none

USDA Hardiness Zone: 9a-10b

Growth Habit: Tree

Origin: Taiwan

FISC Category: 2

FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: No

Introduction Date: Pre-1955

IFAS Assessment:

  • North: OK
  • Central: CAUTION
  • South: CAUTION
Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana
Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana


Deciduous tree up to 18 m tall. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, to 46 cm long. Leaflets are variable in shape and size, glabrous, margins toothed to entire, appearing feathery. Flowers bright yellow, small, numerous, to 2 cm, on branch tips in showy clusters. Fruit a pink papery, bladder-like inflated capsule.


Pine flatwoods, disturbed upland areas


Fast growing tree. Introduced for landscaping.

Map of species distribution

Control Methods

  • Manual: NA
  • Chemical: Cut-stem (100% trichlopyr amine), applied to outer bark layer within 1 minute of cutting). [CAIP]
  • Biological: NA

Control Notes



Dave's Garden. 2014. PlantFiles: Flamegold, Koelreuteria elegans subsp. formosana. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/140062/. Accessed on June 20, 2014.

IFAS, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. 2014. Golden Rain Tree. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/node/650. Accessed on June 26, 2014.

Langeland, K.A., H.M. Cherry, C.M. McCormick, K.C. Burks. 2008. Identification and Biology of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas-Second Edition. IFAS Publication SP 257. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

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