Common Name: Browne's blechum
Family: Acanthaceae
Common Synonyms: Blechum pyramidatum
USDA Hardiness Zone: 8a - 11
Growth Habit: Herb
Origin: Mexico and northern South America
FISC Category: 2
FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: No
Introduction Date: Specimen vouchered in 1942
IFAS Assessment:
Trailing annual or perennial herb less than 50 cm tall with erect flower shoots. Opposite, ovate, stalked leaves 2-7 cm long. Flowers white or purple, to 1 cm long and arranged in dense spikes that appear squarish because of floral bracts to 1.5 cm long. Fruit an ellipsoid capsule 6-7 mm long with 2 brown circular seeds.
Disturbed sites
Vouchered in most counties north through central zone.
No specific recommendations available, herbaceous plants can generally be treated with foliar application of glyphosate.
Csurhes, S. 2010. Weed risk assessment: Green shrimp plant, Blechum pyramidatum. The State of Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland.
Dave's Garden. 2013. PlantFiles: Browne's Blechum, Green Shrimp Plant, Blechum pyramidatum Accessed on December 2, 2013.