Common Name: Egger's nutrush
Family: Cyperaceae
Common Synonyms: Scleria mitis subsp. eggersiana
USDA Hardiness Zone: NA
Growth Habit: Graminoid
Origin: Numerous Caribbean nations, Central and South America
FISC Category: 1
FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: No
Introduction Date: 2016
IFAS Assessment:
Perennial graminoid to 2.5m tall with triangular stem and 3-ranked leaves. Leaves longer than native Scleria spp., darker with a hint of blue in sunlight, blades somewhat pleated. Leaf base is decurrent, not as exaggerated as in S. microcarpa. Fruits (achenes) lacking protective bracts (similar to non-native S. microcarpa), achenes disperse with a 'cupula'.
Cypress domes and strand swamps
Treatment tip from Mike Knight, FFS.
Alex Onisko, personal communication.