Florida Managed Areas - June 2024

Type  File Geodatabase Feature Class

Tags  Florida, FNAI, conservation lands, managed areas


To prepare a comprehensive statewide dataset on managed conservation lands by compiling data from diverse sources, and to make this data set available for public use.


FLORIDA CONSERVATION LANDS (layer name FLMA): This is a polygon data layer for public (and some private) lands that the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) has identified as having natural resource value and that are being managed at least partially for conservation purposes. The term "Managed Area" refers to a managed conservation land.


Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Use limitations

Use of this data should be accompanied by proper citation of FNAI. Available for free download at: https://www.fnai.org/publications/gis-data


West  -87.509056     East -79.879813
North  31.030878     South 24.246904

Scale Range

Maximum (zoomed in)  1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out)  1:150,000,000

Topics and Keywords 

Content type Downloadable Data
Export to FGDC CSDGM XML format as Resource Description No

Theme keywords FNAI, conservation lands, managed areas

Place keywords Florida


Title Florida Managed Areas - June 2024
Creation date 2024-06-14 00:00:00
Publication date 2024-06-14 00:00:00

Edition June 2024
Edition date 2024-06-14

Presentation formats digital map

Citation Contacts 

Responsible party - originator
Organization's name Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Resource Details 

Dataset languages English (UNITED STATES)
Dataset character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Status completed
Spatial representation type vector

Processing environment Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 22631) ; Esri ArcGIS Pro 3.3

Florida Natural Areas Inventory

ArcGIS item properties
Name flma_202406
Size 0.000
Location file://\\FSU.EDU\CTSMgd\FNAI\Current\GIS\FNAI_current\FNAI_CURRENT.gdb
Access protocol Local Area Network


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type
Extent used for searching
West longitude -87.509056
East longitude -79.879813
North latitude 31.030878
South latitude 24.246904
Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
westBL 65060.633600
eastBL 793311.990300
southBL 33530.097700
northBL 780277.875000
exTypeCode Yes

Resource Points of Contact 

Point of contact - point of contact
Individual's name Nathan Pasco
Organization's name Florida Natural Areas Inventory
Contact's position Conservation Data Analyst

Contact information 
Voice 850-224-8207 x216
Type both
Delivery point 1018 Thomasville Road, Suite 200-C
City Tallahassee
Administrative area Florida
Postal code 32303
Country US
e-mail addressnpasco@fnai.fsu.edu

Resource Maintenance 

Resource maintenance
Update frequency quarterly

Resource Constraints 

Limitations of use

Use of this data should be accompanied by proper citation of FNAI. Available for free download at: https://www.fnai.org/publications/gis-data

Spatial Reference 

ArcGIS coordinate system
Type Projected
Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
Projection NAD_1983_HARN_Florida_GDL_Albers
Coordinate reference details
WKID 3087
XOrigin -19550100
YOrigin -7526400
XYScale 10000
ZOrigin -100000
ZScale 10000
MOrigin -100000
MScale 10000
XYTolerance 0.001
ZTolerance 0.001
MTolerance 0.001
HighPrecision true
LatestWKID 3087
WKT PROJCS["NAD_1983_HARN_Florida_GDL_Albers",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983_HARN",DATUM["D_North_American_1983_HARN",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",400000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-84.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",24.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",31.5],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",24.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3087]]

Reference system identifier
Value 3087
Codespace EPSG
Version 6.12(9.2.0)

Spatial Data Properties 

Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name flma_202406
Object type composite
Object count 0
ArcGIS Feature Class Properties 
Feature class name flma_202406
Feature type Simple
Geometry type Polygon
Has topology FALSE
Feature count 0
Spatial index TRUE
Linear referencing FALSE

Data Quality 

Scope of quality information 
Resource level dataset


Process step 
When the process occurred 2024-03-27 00:00:00
This GIS data layer was generated by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) using ArcGIS Pro v 3.3. Information in the FLMA data layer was provided to FNAI by the individual managing agencies. Boundary information on managed areas was originally in either digital format or on paper source maps at varying scales. New digital boundary files were integrated into FLMA by FNAI staff. In the case of paper source maps, boundaries were digitized by FNAI staff in GIS using ancillary information such as USGS topographic quadrangles, the latest digital aerial ortho-imagery, and property appraiser parcel data. The attribute item DIG_COM in the FLMA layer provides details on the derivation of boundaries for individual managed areas. When digital boundaries from one source overlapped with digital boundaries from another source, the boundaries were adjusted by FNAI staff to eliminate the overlapping areas. Adjustments were made based on the best known information about the source of the boundaries. All overlaps greater than 0.001 meters were removed using this process.

Geoprocessing history 

Process name
Date 2018-07-13 16:01:34
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
FeatureClassToFeatureClass K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp K:\ConLands_Ops\working_temp.gdb flma_template # "AREA "AREA" true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,AREA,-1,-1;PERIMETER "PERIMETER" true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,PERIMETER,-1,-1;MA_ID "MA_ID" true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MA_ID,-1,-1;MACODE_BCD "MACODE_BCD" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MACODE_BCD,-1,-1;MANAME "MANAME" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MANAME,-1,-1;MAJORMA "MAJORMA" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MAJORMA,-1,-1;MATYPE "MATYPE" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MATYPE,-1,-1;MANAGING_A "MANAGING_A" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MANAGING_A,-1,-1;MATYPE2 "MATYPE2" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MATYPE2,-1,-1;OWNER "OWNER" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,OWNER,-1,-1;COOWNERS "COOWNERS" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,COOWNERS,-1,-1;TOTACRES "TOTACRES" true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,TOTACRES,-1,-1;LTF_ACRES "LTF_ACRES" true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1;COUNTY "COUNTY" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,COUNTY,-1,-1;PROTSTAT "PROTSTAT" true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,PROTSTAT,-1,-1;MANAGER "MANAGER" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MANAGER,-1,-1;MGRINST "MGRINST" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MGRINST,-1,-1;MGRCITY "MGRCITY" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MGRCITY,-1,-1;MGRPHONE "MGRPHONE" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MGRPHONE,-1,-1;DESC1 "DESC1" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,DESC1,-1,-1;DESC2 "DESC2" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,DESC2,-1,-1;COMMENTS1 "COMMENTS1" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,COMMENTS1,-1,-1;COMMENTS2 "COMMENTS2" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,COMMENTS2,-1,-1;DIG_COM "DIG_COM" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,DIG_COM,-1,-1;MANAME_AB "MANAME_AB" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MANAME_AB,-1,-1;MA_WEBSITE "MA_WEBSITE" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,MA_WEBSITE,-1,-1;OWNERTYPES "OWNERTYPES" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,OWNERTYPES,-1,-1;ESMT_HOLD "ESMT_HOLD" true true false 254 Text 0 0 ,First,#,K:\GIS\FNAI_current\flma.shp,ESMT_HOLD,-1,-1" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2018-07-13 16:03:34
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\AddField
Command issued
AddField K:\ConLands_Ops\working_temp.gdb\flma_template DIG_BND_SRC TEXT # # 254 DIG_BND_SRC NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2022-06-03 13:35:22
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
FeatureClassToFeatureClass flma_template_1807 K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles flma_template.shp # "AREA "AREA" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,AREA,-1,-1;PERIMETER "PERIMETER" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,PERIMETER,-1,-1;MA_ID "MA_ID" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MA_ID,-1,-1;MACODE_BCD "MACODE_BCD" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MACODE_BCD,0,254;MANAME "MANAME" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MANAME,0,254;MAJORMA "MAJORMA" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MAJORMA,0,254;MATYPE "MATYPE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MATYPE,0,254;MANAGING_A "MANAGING_A" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MANAGING_A,0,254;MATYPE2 "MATYPE2" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MATYPE2,0,254;OWNER "OWNER" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,OWNER,0,254;COOWNERS "COOWNERS" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,COOWNERS,0,254;OWNERTYPES "OWNERTYPES" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,OWNERTYPES,0,254;TOTACRES "TOTACRES" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,TOTACRES,-1,-1;LTF_ACRES "LTF_ACRES" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1;ESMT_HOLD "ESMT_HOLD" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,ESMT_HOLD,0,254;COUNTY "COUNTY" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,COUNTY,0,254;PROTSTAT "PROTSTAT" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,PROTSTAT,-1,-1;DESC1 "DESC1" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,DESC1,0,254;DESC2 "DESC2" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,DESC2,0,254;COMMENTS1 "COMMENTS1" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,COMMENTS1,0,254;COMMENTS2 "COMMENTS2" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,COMMENTS2,0,254;MANAGER "MANAGER" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MANAGER,0,254;MGRINST "MGRINST" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MGRINST,0,254;MGRCITY "MGRCITY" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MGRCITY,0,254;MGRPHONE "MGRPHONE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MGRPHONE,0,254;MA_WEBSITE "MA_WEBSITE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MA_WEBSITE,0,254;MANAME_AB "MANAME_AB" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,MANAME_AB,0,254;DIGBND_SRC "DIGBND_SRC" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,DIGBND_SRC,0,254;Shape_Length0 "Shape_Length" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,Shape_Length0,-1,-1;Shape_Area0 "Shape_Area" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,Shape_Area0,-1,-1;Shape_Length "Shape_Length" false true true 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,Shape_Length,-1,-1;Shape_Area "Shape_Area" false true true 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template_1807,Shape_Area,-1,-1" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2022-06-03 13:37:32
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/2.9.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>Shapefile</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_template</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><DeleteField><field_name>Shape_Leng</field_name><field_name>Shape_Area</field_name><field_name>Shape_Le_1</field_name><field_name>Shape_Ar_1</field_name></DeleteField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2022-06-03 13:38:52
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures flma_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:22:13
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\ExportFeatures
Command issued
ExportFeatures flma_template K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\flma_template_Copy.shp # NOT_USE_ALIAS "AREA "AREA" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,AREA,-1,-1;PERIMETER "PERIMETER" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,PERIMETER,-1,-1;MA_ID "MA_ID" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MA_ID,-1,-1;MACODE_BCD "MACODE_BCD" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MACODE_BCD,0,253;MANAME "MANAME" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAME,0,253;MAJORMA "MAJORMA" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MAJORMA,0,253;MATYPE "MATYPE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MATYPE,0,253;MANAGING_A "MANAGING_A" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAGING_A,0,253;MATYPE2 "MATYPE2" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MATYPE2,0,253;OWNER "OWNER" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,OWNER,0,253;COOWNERS "COOWNERS" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,COOWNERS,0,253;OWNERTYPES "OWNERTYPES" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,OWNERTYPES,0,253;TOTACRES "TOTACRES" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,TOTACRES,-1,-1;LTF_ACRES "LTF_ACRES" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1;ESMT_HOLD "ESMT_HOLD" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,ESMT_HOLD,0,253;COUNTY "COUNTY" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,COUNTY,0,253;PROTSTAT "PROTSTAT" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,PROTSTAT,-1,-1;DESC1 "DESC1" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,DESC1,0,253;DESC2 "DESC2" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,DESC2,0,253;COMMENTS1 "COMMENTS1" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,COMMENTS1,0,253;COMMENTS2 "COMMENTS2" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,COMMENTS2,0,253;MANAGER "MANAGER" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAGER,0,253;MGRINST "MGRINST" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MGRINST,0,253;MGRCITY "MGRCITY" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MGRCITY,0,253;MGRPHONE "MGRPHONE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MGRPHONE,0,253;MA_WEBSITE "MA_WEBSITE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MA_WEBSITE,0,253;MANAME_AB "MANAME_AB" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAME_AB,0,253;DIGBND_SRC "DIGBND_SRC" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,DIGBND_SRC,0,253" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:24:27
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>Shapefile</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_template_Copy</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><DeleteField><field_name>DESC1</field_name><field_name>DESC2</field_name><field_name>COMMENTS1</field_name><field_name>COMMENTS2</field_name></DeleteField></workflow><workflow><AddField><field_name>DESCRIPT</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>255</field_length><field_is_nullable>False</field_is_nullable><field_is_required>False</field_is_required></AddField></workflow><workflow><AddField><field_name>COMMENTS</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>255</field_length><field_is_nullable>False</field_is_nullable><field_is_required>False</field_is_required></AddField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:24:54
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>Shapefile</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_template_Copy</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><AddField><field_name>COMMENTS</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>255</field_length><field_is_nullable>False</field_is_nullable><field_is_required>False</field_is_required></AddField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:26:32
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued
CopyFeatures flma_template_Copy K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_template_Copy # # # #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:27:24
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Rename K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_template_Copy K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_template FeatureClass
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:32:20
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>FileGDB</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_template</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MACODE_BCD</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>20</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAME</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>300</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MAJORMA</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>300</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MATYPE</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>10</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAGING_A</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>300</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MATYPE2</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>10</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>OWNER</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>8000</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>COOWNERS</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>8000</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>OWNERTYPES</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>10</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>ESMT_HOLD</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>300</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>COUNTY</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>150</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAGER</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>200</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MGRINST</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>200</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MGRCITY</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>254</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>DESCRIPT</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>8000</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>COMMENTS</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>8000</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:33:06
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>FileGDB</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_template</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><AlterField><field_name>DIGBND_SRC</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>500</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-14 10:39:58
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\ExportFeatures
Command issued
ExportFeatures flma_template K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template # NOT_USE_ALIAS "AREA "AREA" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,AREA,-1,-1;PERIMETER "PERIMETER" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,PERIMETER,-1,-1;MA_ID "MA_ID" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MA_ID,-1,-1;MACODE_BCD "MACODE_BCD" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MACODE_BCD,0,19;MANAME "MANAME" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAME,0,253;MAJORMA "MAJORMA" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MAJORMA,0,253;MATYPE "MATYPE" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MATYPE,0,9;MANAGING_A "MANAGING_A" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAGING_A,0,253;MATYPE2 "MATYPE2" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MATYPE2,0,9;OWNER "OWNER" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,OWNER,0,253;COOWNERS "COOWNERS" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,COOWNERS,0,253;OWNERTYPES "OWNERTYPES" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,OWNERTYPES,0,9;TOTACRES "TOTACRES" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,TOTACRES,-1,-1;LTF_ACRES "LTF_ACRES" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1;ESMT_HOLD "ESMT_HOLD" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,ESMT_HOLD,0,253;COUNTY "COUNTY" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,COUNTY,0,149;PROTSTAT "PROTSTAT" true true false 19 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_template,PROTSTAT,-1,-1;DESCRIPT "DESCRIPT" true true false 8000 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_template,DESCRIPT,0,7999;COMMENTS "COMMENTS" true true false 8000 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_template,COMMENTS,0,7999;MANAGER "MANAGER" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAGER,0,199;MGRINST "MGRINST" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MGRINST,0,199;MGRCITY "MGRCITY" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MGRCITY,0,253;MGRPHONE "MGRPHONE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MGRPHONE,0,253;MA_WEBSITE "MA_WEBSITE" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MA_WEBSITE,0,253;MANAME_AB "MANAME_AB" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,MANAME_AB,0,253;DIGBND_SRC "DIGBND_SRC" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_template,DIGBND_SRC,0,253" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-14 10:46:50
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-14 10:49:44
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-14 11:45:33
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-14 13:11:53
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 09:14:38
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Rename K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_temp_pre FeatureClass
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 09:46:14
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteField
Command issued
DeleteField flma_GDB_temp_pre MACODE_BCD "Delete Fields"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 09:58:04
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>FileGDB</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_GDB_temp_pre</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" "<operationSequence><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MA_ID</field_name><field_alias>Managed Area ID</field_alias><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAME</field_name><field_alias>Conservation Land Name</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MAJORMA</field_name><field_alias>Major Managed Area</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MATYPE</field_name><field_alias>Managed Area Type</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAGING_A</field_name><field_alias>Lead Managing Agency</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MATYPE2</field_name><field_alias>Managed Area Category</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>OWNER</field_name><field_alias>Owner</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>COOWNERS</field_name><field_alias>Co-owners</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>OWNERTYPES</field_name><field_alias>Owner Types</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>TOTACRES</field_name><field_alias>Total Acres</field_alias><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>LTF_ACRES</field_name><field_alias>Less-than-fee Acres</field_alias><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>ESMT_HOLD</field_name><field_alias>Easement Holder</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>COUNTY</field_name><field_alias>County</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>PROTSTAT</field_name><field_alias>Protection Status</field_alias><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>DESCRIPT</field_name><field_alias>Description</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>COMMENTS</field_name><field_alias>Comments</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAGER</field_name><field_alias>Manager</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MGRINST</field_name><field_alias>Manager Institution</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MGRCITY</field_name><field_alias>Manager City</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MGRPHONE</field_name><field_alias>Manager Phone</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MA_WEBSITE</field_name><field_alias>Managing Agency Website</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAME_AB</field_name><field_alias>MA Name Abrreviated</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AlterField><field_name>DIGBND_SRC</field_name><field_alias>Digital Boundary Source</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>500</field_length><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow><workflow><AddField><field_name>CITATION</field_name><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_length>254</field_length><field_alias>Citation</field_alias><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><field_is_required>False</field_is_required></AddField></workflow></operationSequence>"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 10:02:39
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>FileGDB</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_GDB_temp_pre</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><DeleteField><field_name>AREA</field_name><field_name>PERIMETER</field_name></DeleteField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 10:05:52
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\ExportFeatures
Command issued
ExportFeatures flma_GDB_temp_pre K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template # NOT_USE_ALIAS "MA_ID "Managed Area ID" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MA_ID,-1,-1;MANAME "Conservation Land Name" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MANAME,0,253;MAJORMA "Major Managed Area" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MAJORMA,0,253;MATYPE "Managed Area Type" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MATYPE,0,9;MANAGING_A "Lead Managing Agency" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MANAGING_A,0,253;MATYPE2 "Managed Area Category" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MATYPE2,0,9;OWNER "Owner" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,OWNER,0,253;COOWNERS "Co-owners" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,COOWNERS,0,253;OWNERTYPES "Owner Types" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,OWNERTYPES,0,253;TOTACRES "Total Acres" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,TOTACRES,-1,-1;LTF_ACRES "Less-than-fee Acres" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1;ESMT_HOLD "Easement Holder" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,ESMT_HOLD,0,253;COUNTY "County" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,COUNTY,0,253;PROTSTAT "Protection Status" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,PROTSTAT,-1,-1;DESCRIPT "Description" true true false 8000 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,DESCRIPT,0,7999;COMMENTS "Comments" true true false 8000 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,COMMENTS,0,7999;MANAGER "Manager" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MANAGER,0,253;MGRINST "Manager Institution" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MGRINST,0,253;MGRCITY "Manager City" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MGRCITY,0,253;MGRPHONE "Manager Phone" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MGRPHONE,0,253;MA_WEBSITE "Managing Agency Website" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MA_WEBSITE,0,253;MANAME_AB "MA Name Abrreviated" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,MANAME_AB,0,253;DIGBND_SRC "Digital Boundary Source" true true false 500 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,DIGBND_SRC,0,499;CITATION "Citation" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,CITATION,0,253;Shape_Length "Shape_Length" false true true 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,Shape_Length,-1,-1;Shape_Area "Shape_Area" false true true 8 Double 0 0,First,#,flma_GDB_temp_pre,Shape_Area,-1,-1;CITATION_First "CITATION_First" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_temp_pre,CITATION,0,253" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 10:11:09
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>FileGDB</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_GDB_template</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" <operationSequence><workflow><DeleteField><field_name>CITATION_First</field_name></DeleteField></workflow></operationSequence>
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-17 10:13:18
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-17 10:26:41
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-17 10:50:22
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Records
Date 2024-06-17 10:55:06
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteFeatures
Command issued
DeleteFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Merge MA_Bld with Template
Date 2024-06-17 10:55:37
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Merge
Command issued
Merge K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template;MA_Bld_Layer K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_Build\Working\FLMA_Build_202406.gdb\flma_202406Tmp "MA_ID "Managed Area ID" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MA_ID,-1,-1,MA_Bld_Layer,MA_ID,-1,-1;MANAME "Conservation Land Name" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MANAME,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MANAME,0,253;MAJORMA "Major Managed Area" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MAJORMA,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MAJORMA,0,253;MATYPE "Managed Area Type" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MATYPE,0,9,MA_Bld_Layer,MATYPE,0,9;MANAGING_A "Lead Managing Agency" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MANAGING_A,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MANAGING_A,0,253;MATYPE2 "Managed Area Category" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MATYPE2,0,9,MA_Bld_Layer,MATYPE2,0,9;OWNER "Owner" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,OWNER,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,OWNER,0,253;COOWNERS "Co-owners" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,COOWNERS,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,COOWNERS,0,253;OWNERTYPES "Owner Types" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,OWNERTYPES,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,OWNERTYPES,0,253;TOTACRES "Total Acres" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,TOTACRES,-1,-1,MA_Bld_Layer,TOTACRES,-1,-1;LTF_ACRES "Less-than-fee Acres" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1,MA_Bld_Layer,LTF_ACRES,-1,-1;ESMT_HOLD "Easement Holder" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,ESMT_HOLD,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,ESMT_HOLD,0,253;COUNTY "County" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,COUNTY,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,COUNTY,0,253;PROTSTAT "Protection Status" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,PROTSTAT,-1,-1,MA_Bld_Layer,PROTSTAT,-1,-1;DESCRIPT "Description" true true false 8000 Text 0 0,First,#,.\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_Build\Working\FLMA_Build_202406.gdb\MA_Bld,DESC,0,7999,MA_Bld_Layer,DESC,0,7999;COMMENTS "Comments" true true false 8000 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,COMMENTS,0,7999,MA_Bld_Layer,COMMENTS,0,7999;MANAGER "Manager" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MANAGER,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MANAGER,0,253;MGRINST "Manager Institution" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MGRINST,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MGRINST,0,253;MGRCITY "Manager City" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MGRCITY,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MGRCITY,0,253;MGRPHONE "Manager Phone" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MGRPHONE,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MGRPHONE,0,253;MA_WEBSITE "Managing Agency Website" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MA_WEBSITE,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MA_WEBSITE,0,253;MANAME_AB "MA Name Abrreviated" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,MANAME_AB,0,253,MA_Bld_Layer,MANAME_AB,0,253;DIGBND_SRC "Digital Boundary Source" true true false 500 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,DIGBND_SRC,0,499,MA_Bld_Layer,DIGBND_SRC,0,499;CITATION "Citation" true true false 254 Text 0 0,First,#,K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_GDB_template,CITATION,0,253" NO_SOURCE_INFO
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Calculate Field (3)
Date 2024-06-17 10:56:27
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_Build\Working\FLMA_Build_202406.gdb\flma_202406Tmp CITATION "Florida Natural Areas Inventory. Florida Conservation Lands, June 2024." Python # Text NO_ENFORCE_DOMAINS
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Copy Features (2)
Date 2024-06-17 10:58:05
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued
CopyFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_Build\Working\FLMA_Build_202406.gdb\flma_202406Tmp K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_202406 # 0 0 0
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 11:03:35
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\UpdateSchema
Command issued
UpdateSchema "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/3.3.0'><WorkspaceConnectionString>DATABASE=K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb</WorkspaceConnectionString><WorkspaceFactory>FileGDB</WorkspaceFactory><Dataset>flma_202406</Dataset><DatasetType>esriDTFeatureClass</DatasetType></CIMStandardDataConnection>" "<operationSequence><workflow><AlterField><field_name>MANAME_AB</field_name><field_alias>MA Name Abbreviated</field_alias><field_type>TEXT</field_type><field_is_nullable>True</field_is_nullable><clear_field_alias>False</clear_field_alias></AlterField></workflow></operationSequence>"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2024-06-17 11:08:33
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField flma_202406 MATYPE2 Reclass(!MATYPE2!) Python "def Reclass(field1): if 'F' in field1: return "Federal" elif 'S' in field1: return "State" elif 'L' in field1: return "Local" elif 'P' in field1: return "Private" else: return "ZZ"" Text NO_ENFORCE_DOMAINS
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2024-06-21 12:01:36
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued
CopyFeatures K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\FLMA_2021_2030.gdb\flma_202406 K:\GIS\FNAI_current\FNAI_CURRENT.gdb\flma_202406 # # # #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2024-06-21 12:02:12
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Rename K:\GIS\FNAI_current\FNAI_CURRENT.gdb\flma_202406 K:\GIS\FNAI_current\FNAI_CURRENT.gdb\flma FeatureClass
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Distribution format
Version ArcGIS Pro 3.2
Name File Geodatabase Feature Class

Transfer options
Transfer size 61.495

Online source
Online location (URL)http://www.fnai.org


Details for object flma_202406 
Type Feature Class
Row count 0
Entity Type

Definition source

Data type OID
Width 4
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Internal feature number.

Description source

Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape 
Alias Shape
Data type Geometry
Width 0
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Feature geometry.

Description source

Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field MA_ID 
Alias Managed Area ID
Data type Double
Width 8
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Managed Area ID, designed by NatureServe.  Unique identifier for each Managed Area.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Conservation Land Name
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Official name of the Managed Area (conservation land), as determined by the managing agency.  Note that in some cases a Managed Area is contained within a larger Managed Area (see MAJORMA below).  To select all of the polygons for a Managed Area that contains one or more smaller Managed Areas, query on both MANAME and MAJORMA.

Description source
The managing agency of the Managed Area

Alias Major Managed Area
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Official name of the Major Managed Area.  Major Managed Area refers to a larger Managed Area that contains the Managed Area in question.  For example, Abe Trull Research Natural Area is contained within St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.  For Abe Trull RNA, St. Marks NWR is the Major Managed Area and the MAJORMA is St. Marks NWR.  When the Managed Area is not part of a larger Managed Area, this attribute item appears as "ZZ".  To select all of the polygons for a Managed Area that contains one or more smaller Managed Areas, query on both MANAME and MAJORMA.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Managed Area Type
Data type String
Width 10
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Code for the Managed Area by lead managing agency. Each Managed Area has been coded as

1st byte = Managing Agency Category:
F=Federal, S=State, L=Local, P=Private

2nd and 3rd bytes = Managing Agency: (e.g., AF= US Air Force)

4th and 5th bytes = Managed Area Unit Type (e.g., AB= Air Force Base)

If a managing agency has only one type of MA Unit, the MA Unit Type code can be the managing agency code repeated (e.g., for State Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the code is SPDPD).


Managing Agency codes (bytes 2 and 3):
AF  -  US Dept. of Defense, Air Force
BL  -  US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
CG  -  US Dept. of Homeland Security, Coast Guard
DA  -  US Dept. of Agriculture (unspecified)
DC  -  US Dept. of Commerce
FS  -  US Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service
FW  -  US Dept. of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service
MC  -  US Dept. of Defense, Marine Corps
NP  -  US Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service
NR  -  US Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
NS  -  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NV  -  US Dept. of Defense, Navy

Managed Area Unit Type codes (bytes 4 and 5):

U.S. Air Force (FAF..)
AB  -  Air Force Base
AR  -  Air Force Range
AS  -  Air Station
RB  -  Reserve Base
SI  -  Special Interest Area
TS  -  Test Site

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (FDA..)
AR  -  Agricultural Research Station
HR  -  Horticultural Research Station
PC  -  Plant Materials Center

U.S. Coast Guard (FCG..)
CS  - Communication Station

U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (FBL..)
AC  -  Area of Critical Environmental Concern

U.S. Forest Service (FFS..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement
EF  -  Experimental Forest
HS  -  Historic Site
NF  -  National Forest
RN  -  Research Natural Area
ST  -  Scenic Trail

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FFW..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement
FH  -  Fish Hatchery
PN  -  Public Use Natural Area
RN  -  Research Natural Area
WR  -  National Wildlife Refuge

U.S. Marine Corps (FMC..)
SF  -  Support Facility

National Park Service (FNP..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement
NM  -  National Memorial or National Monument
NP  -  National Park or National Preserve
NS  -  National Seashore

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (FNR..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement

U.S. Navy (FNV..)
BT  -  Bomb Target
NF  -  Naval Field
NS  -  Naval Air Station or Naval Station
NT  -  Naval Training Center
RA  -  Recreation Area
TF  -  Testing Facility

(If MA unit type is unknown, managing agency code is repeated.)


Managing Agency codes (bytes 2 and 3):
AH  -  Florida Agriculture Center and Horse Park Authority
CA  -  Dept. of Environmental Protection, Florida Coastal Office
DF  -  Dept. Agriculture & Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service
DM  -  Dept. of Management Services, Div. of Real Estate, Development, and Management
FA  -  Florida Atlantic University
FI  -  Florida International University
FW  -  Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
GT  -  Dept. of Environmental Protection, Office of Greenways & Trails
MA  -  Dept. of Military Affairs
ND  -  Florida Inland Navigation District
NW  -  Dept. of Environmental Protection, Northwest District
PD  -  State Agency for Persons with Disabilities
RM  -  Dept. of Environmental Protection, Div. of Water Resource Management, Bureau of Mining and Minerals Regulation
RP  -  Dept. of Environmental Protection, Div. of Recreation & Parks
SF  -  University of South Florida
SL  -  Dept. of Environmental Protection, Div. of State Lands
UC  -  University of Central Florida
UF  -  University of Florida
UN  -  University of North Florida
UU  -  Undesignated State Land (not currently assigned to a managing agency)
WJ  -  St. Johns River Water Management District
WN  -  Northwest Florida Water Management District
WS  -  South Florida Water Management District
WU  -  Suwannee River Water Management District
WW  -  Southwest Florida Water Management District

Managed Area Unit Type codes (bytes 4 and 5):

FL Dept. of Environmental Protection, Florida Coastal Office (SCA..)
EC  -  Ecological Reserve
ER  -  Estuarine Research Reserve
MS  -  Marine Sanctuary
PR  -  Memorial Preserve
SB  -  State Buffer Preserve
SN  -  Sanctuary
SR  -  State Reserve
UL  -  Unspecified Land (managed by Florida Coastal Office)

FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service (SDF..)
SF  -  State Forest
PR  -  Preserve
CE  -  Conservation Easement

FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (SFW..)
AS  -  Archaeological Site
CE  -  Conservation Easement
DU  -  Designation Undetermined
FM  -  Fish Management Area
GR  -  Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site
MI  -  Mitigation Parcel
MP  -  Mitigation Park
PA  -  Production Area
PW  -  Public Waterfowl Area
SR  -  Shooting Range
WE  -  Wildlife & Environmental Area
WM  -  Wildlife Management Area

FL Dept. of Environmental Protection, Northwest District (SNW..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement

FL Dept. of Military Affairs (SMA..)
MR  -  Military Reservation

FL Dept. of Environmental Protection, Div. of Recreation & Parks (SRP..)
AS  -  State Archeological Site
BS  -  State Botanical Site
CC  -  State Folk Culture Center
CS  -  State Cultural Site
DU  -  Designation Undetermined
FP  -  State Fishing Pier
GS  -  State Geological Site
HS  -  State Historic Site
RA  -  State Recreation Area
RC  -  State Recreation and Conservation Area
SG  -  State Garden
SM  -  State Museum
SN  -  Sanctuary
SP  -  State Park
SR  -  State Reserve
ST  -  State Trail
SV  -  State Preserve

FL Dept. of Environmental Protection, Div. of State Lands (SSL..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement

FL Dept. of Environmental Protection, Div. of Water Resource Management, Bureau of Mine Reclamation (SRM..)
CE  -  Conservation Easement
CS  -  Coastal Settlement Land

FL Dept. of Management Services, Div. of Real Estate, Development, & Management (SDM..)
CA  -  Conservation Area

Undesignated State Land (SUU..)
UU  -  Undesignated State Land (not currently assigned to a managing agency)

Universities (S....)
CE  -  Conservation Easement
LE  -  Life Estate
MF  -  Memorial Forest

Water Management Districts (SW...)
CA  -  Conservation Area
CE  -  Conservation Easement
FD  -  Flood Detention Area
FE  - Flowage Easement
PR  -  Preserve
RC  -  Riverine Corridor
RT  -  Restoration Area
UW  -  Unspecified Water Management Land
WR  -  Water Resource Project

(If MA unit type is unknown, managing agency code is repeated.)


Managing Agency Codes (bytes 2 and 3):

County Managed Areas - Code is 2 letter abbreviation for particular county  (e.g. LAL = Alachua Co.). See list of "County Two Letter

Abbreviations" below.

City Managed Areas - County 2 letter abbreviation followed by  "MU" (4th and 5th bytes).

AL  -  Alachua
BK  -  Baker
BY  -  Bay
BA  -  Bradford
BV  -  Brevard
BR  -  Broward
CA  -  Calhoun
CH  -  Charlotte
CI  -  Citrus
CL  -  Clay
CO  -  Collier
CU  -  Columbia
DA  -  Miami-Dade
DE  -  DeSoto
DI  -  Dixie
DU  -  Duval
ES  -  Escambia
FL  -  Flagler
FR  -  Franklin
GA  -  Gadsden
GI  -  Gilchrist
GL  -  Glades
GU  -  Gulf
HM  -  Hamilton
HD  -  Hardee
HN  -  Hendry
HR  -  Hernando
HG  -  Highlands
HL  -  Hillsborough
HO  -  Holmes
IN  -  Indian River
JA  -  Jackson
JE  -  Jefferson
LF  -  Lafayette
LK  -  Lake
LE  -  Lee
LO  -  Leon
LV  -  Levy
LI  -  Liberty
MD  -  Madison
MN  -  Manatee
MR  -  Marion
MT  -  Martin
MO  -  Monroe
NA  -  Nassau
OA  -  Okaloosa
OE  -  Okeechobee
OR  -  Orange
OS  -  Osceola
PM  -  Palm Beach
PA  -  Pasco
PI  -  Pinellas
PO  -  Polk
PU  -  Putnam
SN  -  Santa Rosa
SR  -  Sarasota
SE  -  Seminole
SJ  -  St Johns
SL  -  St Lucie
SM  -  Sumter
SW  -  Suwannee
TA  -  Taylor
UN  -  Union
VO  -  Volusia
WK  -  Wakulla
WL  -  Walton
WS  -  Washington

Managed Area Unit Type codes (bytes 4 and 5):
CE  -  Conservation Easement
EU  -  Emerald Coast Utilities Authority
HC  -  Hillsborough Community College
MC  -  Mosquito Control District (e.g., LINMC = Indian River Mosquito Control District)
MU  -  City Managed Area (See "COMMENTS" attribute to identify name of city that is managing the property)
RG  -  Registry Site
TB  -  Tampa Bay Watch
WA  -  Water Authority (e.g., LLKWA = Lake County Water Authority)
WC  -  Water Control District (e.g., LLEWC = Lee County East County Water Control District)

(For all other MA unit types, 2 letter abbreviation for county is repeated - e.g., LALAL = Alachua County)


Managing Agency Codes (bytes 2 and 3):

AC  -  Apalachee Land Conservancy
AE  -  Archbold Expeditions, Inc.
AS  -  Ashton Biodiversity Research and Preservation Institute, Inc.
BA  -  Bay County Audubon Society, Inc.
BC  -  Bay County Conservancy, Inc.
BR  -  Babcock Ranch Management, LLC
CF  -  The Conservation Fund
CH  -  Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center
CM  -  Crowley Museum and Nature Center
CN  -  Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium
CP  -  Coastal Plains Institute
DV  -  Duval Audubon Society, Inc.
FA  -  Florida Audubon Society, Inc.
FH  -  FL Trust for Historic Preservation
FN  -  Foundation (unspecified)
FP  -  FL Power & Light Company
GS  -  Girl Scouts of America
IN  -  Private Individual
JE  -  JEA
KB  -  Key West Botanical Garden Society, Inc.
LB  -  Lemon Bay Conservancy
LO  -  Lake Okeechobee Habitat Alliance, Inc.
LT  -  Land Trust (unspecified)
LU  -  Lynn University, Inc.
MA  -  Manatee Audubon Society
MB  -  Mitigation Bank
MC  -  Audubon of Martin County, Inc.
MF  -  Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC
NA  -  National Audubon Society, Inc.
NC  -  The Nature Conservancy
NK  -  Nokuse Plantation, Inc.
NS  -  National Speleological Society
OB  -  Ormond Beach Historical Trust Inc.
ON  -  Oakland Nature Preserve, Inc.
PD  -  PRIDE Enterprises, Inc.
PE  -  Peace River Audubon Society
RC  -  Institute for Regional Conservation
SC  -  Sierra Club
SG  -  Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
SH  -  Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage
TA  -  Tropical Audubon Society
TH  -  Tree Hill, Inc.
TL  -  Trout Lake Nature Center, Inc.
TT  -  Tall Timbers Research, Inc.
UM  -  University of Miami

Managed Area Unit Type codes (bytes 4 and 5):
CA  -  Conservation Area
CE  -  Conservation Easement
EC  -  Environmental Center
PR  -  Preserve
RG  -  Registry Site
RS  -  Research Station
SN  -  Sanctuary

(If MA unit type is unknown, managing agency code is repeated.)

Description source
The Nature Conservancy and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Lead Managing Agency
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Name of the lead managing agency for the Managed Area.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Field MATYPE2 
Alias Managed Area Category
Data type String
Width 10
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Managed Area Category based on lead managing agency.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

List of values
Value F
Description Federal Government
Enumerated domain value definition source The Nature Conservancy and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Value S
Description State Government
Enumerated domain value definition source The Nature Conservancy and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Value L
Description Local Government
Enumerated domain value definition source The Nature Conservancy and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Value P
Description Private Organization or Individual
Enumerated domain value definition source The Nature Conservancy and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Field OWNER 
Alias Owner
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Name of the main owner of the Managed Area. Additional owners, if any, are listed in COOWNERs.  Note that for some Managed Areas, the managing agency is different from the owner.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Co-owners
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Name(s) of additional owner(s) of the managed area (i.e., in addition to the agency listed in OWNER, these agencies own a portion of the managed area).

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Total Acres
Data type Double
Width 8
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Total number of acres within the Managed Area.  Figures are not GIS calculated (i.e., not polygon-based) unless specified in COMMENTS 1(2).  Managed Area acreage figures are obtained directly from the managing agencies. -999 = no acreage provided

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Less-than-fee Acres
Data type Double
Width 8
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Number of acres within the Managed Area that are in less-than-fee ownership.  Figures are not GIS calculated (i.e., not polygon-based) unless specified in COMMENTS 1(2).  Acreage figures are obtained directly from the managing agencies.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias County
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Abbreviation (the first four letters of the county name) for the county or counties where the Managed Area is located (exception: DADE = Miami-Dade County).

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Protection Status
Data type Double
Width 8
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Protection Status.

Description source
The Nature Conservancy and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory

List of values
Value 1
Description Category I. This is the highest protection and reserved for lands that are specifically and judiciously managed for biodiversity protection. This category includes lands owned by private entities that are managed for biodiversity conservation, and lands administered by public agencies that are specially designated for biodiversity conservation through legislative action where natural events proceed without interference or are mimicked through management. The governmental agency acting alone cannot change these designations without legislative action and public involvement. Examples include The Nature Conservancy preserves and other private preserves committed to biodiversity conservation, preserves that are state-owned and managed, some national parks, federal wilderness areas, and some local preserves. For FNAI purposes, this designation will generally apply to the following: private sanctuaries and preserves, state preserves and botanical sites, many local preserves purchased and managed as environmentally sensitive lands, most national parks and seashores, national marine sanctuaries, and federal research natural areas.

Value 2
Description Category II. This second category applies to lands that are generally managed for their natural values but that may incur additional uses such as habitat manipulation for game species and/or some recreation infrastructure. These activities will likely degrade the quality of natural communities locally but the majority of the land will be managed for biodiversity protection. It also includes public lands with administrative designations for biodiversity conservation. Examples include private preserves managed for game species, national wildlife refuges, BLM areas of critical environmental concern, and state parks. For FNAI purposes, this designation will generally apply to the following: state parks, state reserves, state geological sites, state buffer preserves and aquatic preserves, wildlife and environmental areas, national wildlife refuges, some national park lands, and many locally managed lands purchased for natural resource protection.

Value 3
Description Category III. This category applies to lands maintained for multiple uses, including consumptive or recreational values, and not specifically or wholly dedicated to biodiversity conservation. It also includes lands with restricted development rights. Unrestricted public access is one criterion that may cause a property to be placed into this category. Examples include most nondesignated (i.e., multiple-use) public lands administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, Department of Defense lands, state forests, regional and large local parks and open space, and private lands protected from subdivision by conservation easements and other title restrictions. For FNAI purposes, this designation will apply to state recreation areas, state gardens and trails, state forests, wildlife management areas, mitigation parks, lands managed by FL DEP Office of Greenways and Trails, most water management district properties, national forests, most Department of Defense lands, many local parks, and conservation easements on private properties. It also includes lands tracked primarily for administrative reasons, such as state historic and archaeological sites, state museums, fish management areas, national memorials, and national fish hatcheries.

Alias Manager
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Name and/or official job title of the current manager of the Managed Area.

Description source
The managing agency of the Managed Area

Alias Manager Institution
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Manager Institution.  Part of the manager's address.

Description source
The managing agency of the Managed Area

Alias Description
Data type String
Width 8000
Precision 0
Scale 0

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Field description
General description of the Managed Area, focusing on natural communities and rare species found within the Managed Area. 

Alias Comments
Data type String
Width 8000
Precision 0
Scale 0

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Field description
General comments concerning a Managed Area. 

Alias Manager City
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Manager City.  City where the manager works.  Part of the manger's address.

Description source
The managing agency of the Managed Area

Alias Manager Phone
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Manager Phone.  Area code and phone number of the manager.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias MA Name Abbreviated
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
A shortened (abbreviated) name of the Managed Area (used primarily for map labeling).

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Managing Agency Website
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Managed Area Web Site. Web address for the web site of the managing agency of the Managed Area.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Owner Types
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Owner Types. Code(s) for owner(s) of Managed Area by category. F = Federal, S = State, L = Local, P = Private

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Easement Holder
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Easement Holder. Entity that holds title to the easement on the property.

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Digital Boundary Source
Data type String
Width 500
Precision 0
Scale 0

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Alias Citation
Data type String
Width 254
Precision 0
Scale 0

Description source
Florida Natural Areas Inventory

Field Shape_Length 
Alias Shape_Length
Data type Double
Width 8
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Length of feature in internal units.

Description source

Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape_Area 
Alias Shape_Area
Data type Double
Width 8
Precision 0
Scale 0

Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.

Description source

Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview
ZZ = Not applicable or data not available.

When performing statistical analyses on the TOTACRES field (i.e., using ArcView or ArcGIS to calculate total acreages for a group of Managed Areas), subtract all Managed Areas that are a part of a major Managed Area (i.e., Managed Areas that have a MAJOR_MA).  This is necessary to avoid duplication of acreages since the TOTACRES field for a major Managed Area includes the acreage(s) of smaller Managed Area(s) nested within it.

Metadata Details 

Metadata language English (UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name dataset

Last update 2024-06-21 

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS 1.0
Metadata style FGDC CSDGM Metadata
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2018-05-23 09:27:07
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2024-06-21 12:01:32

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2024-06-21 12:01:32
Item location history
Item copied or moved 2018-05-23 09:27:07
From K:\ConLands_Ops\Development\FLMA_shapefiles\flma_20180427
To \\fnai01\current\GIS\FNAI_current\flma_20180427

Metadata Contacts 

Metadata contact - point of contact
Individual's name Nathan Pasco
Organization's name Florida Natural Areas Inventory
Contact's position Conservation Data Analyst

Contact information 
Voice 850-224-8207 x216
Type both
Delivery point 1018 Thomasville Road, Suite 200-C
City Tallahassee
Administrative area Florida
Postal code 32303
Country US
e-mail addressnpasco@fnai.fsu.edu

Metadata Maintenance 

Update frequency quarterly

Other maintenance requirements
Last metadata review date: 20240614